Diposting oleh Indah Setyawati di Kamis, Oktober 30, 2008 0 komentar
Label: room
Hello, my name is Indah Setyawati. I'm student in Indonesia University of Education, Bandung. It's far from my house, so i live in a rent house at Geger Kalong. I was born in Bekasi eighteen years ago. I'm from Cikarang, Bekasi. We call it an Industrial City. There are many factories in my city. Because of that, the weather is very hot, even in the rainy season.
I'm from a little family. I just have one younger brother, his name is Arif Budi Setiawan. He is in third junior high school. Besides my parents and my brother, I live with my grandmother and four cousins in my house. I never feel lonely. It's very different when I must stay in my rent room. I always feel lonely here. But, i have nice class-mates. I never bored when I go to campus.
Let's talk about my hobbies. I love reading novels and manga. Do you know manga? It's Japanese comics. I love it, because it entertains me very much. But I never try to draw a comic, because I cannot draw well. So I just enjoy reading and collecting it. And about the novels, I usually read romantic novels, such as Teenlit and Metropop. But sometimes I also read mystery novels such as The Davinci Code and Digital Fortress. Besides reading, I also like dancing. I started dancing when I was in kindergarten. I love anykind of dances. Especially for traditional dance. But i think my ability in dancing is just in the basic level. So I want to explore more and more. I don't like listening to music, because my knowledge about music is not good. I always become the latest to know about the hits songs.
Diposting oleh Indah Setyawati di Rabu, Oktober 08, 2008 7 komentar
Label: profile